Why is it important to deworm my dog?

Deworming is essential to maintain your dog's health. If left untreated, worms can cause various issues such as blood loss, lethargy, and difficulty in nutrient absorption. Therefore, regular deworming is crucial for your dog's overall well-being.

Dr. Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

What are some of the parasites found in dogs and how are they treated?

The most common parasites found in dogs are intestinal parasites, including hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Heartworms, which are found in the heart, are also common. Intestinal parasites are typically treated with liquid dewormers or pills, while heartworms are treated with a monthly preventative medication. Many heartworm preventatives also contain ingredients to protect against intestinal parasites.

How do intestinal parasites impact the health and well-being of my dog?

If left untreated, intestinal parasites can cause lethargy, blood loss, poor weight gain, and overall discomfort for your dog. It is crucial to treat these parasites to ensure your dog's health and well-being.

What are some signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites in my dog?

Some signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites include a lack of weight gain, blood in the stool, lethargy, and visible worms in the stool, which may appear long and white in color.

How will the veterinarian diagnose intestinal parasites in my dog?

Intestinal parasites are typically diagnosed through a fecal sample. However, tapeworms may not always be visible in a fecal sample. If you notice flat, white, and centimeter-wide segments in your dog's stool, inform your veterinarian as these may be tapeworms.

Why is early detection and diagnosis of intestinal parasites important?

Early detection and treatment of intestinal parasites are essential to prevent severe damage to the intestines, blood loss, and the overall discomfort of your dog.

What is the difference between natural remedies or over-the-counter dewormers compared to prescription medication?

Natural remedies and over-the-counter dewormers can be dangerous for your dog, as they may not be effective or could even harm your pet. Prescription medications have undergone extensive research and testing, making them safe and effective for treating parasites. Veterinarians trust and use these medications for their own pets, providing personal experience and recommendations.

How do I choose the right dewormer for my dog?

Your veterinarian will discuss dewormer options during your dog's wellness visits or any other visit if you have questions. The choice of dewormer often depends on your convenience, cost, and overall lifestyle. Your veterinarian will help you select the best option for your dog.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Deworming - FAQs

Dr. Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

How might my dog get worms?

Your dog can get worms through two main ways: not being on a prevention treatment and exposure to an environment with worms. For example, if your dog has access to another dog's feces with worms in it, they can become infected. Additionally, dogs can get tapeworms through fleas if they are not on a good flea prevention treatment.

Are worms painful to my dog?

Worms can definitely cause pain and discomfort to your dog. They can lead to chronic gastrointestinal issues, inflammation of the intestines, irritation, blood loss, and overall fatigue. Dogs with worms often fail to gain weight as they should.

Are worms visible in my dog's stool? And if so, what do they look like?

Adult worms are often visible in your dog's stool. You might see long, thin white worms or thicker, flat worms, which are more likely to be tapeworms. However, worm eggs are not visible to the naked eye, so it's essential to have your dog tested at the vet to detect worms before they reach the adult stage.

How common are worms in dogs?

Worms are extremely common in dogs, especially in puppies that have not been dewormed enough or stray dogs. However, even pets that have been in a good home for years can develop worms if they are not on a prevention treatment.

How long can worms last inside my dog?

Depending on the type of worm, they can last for several months or even longer. However, it is expected that you would notice some external signs of worm infestation by that point.

What if my dog has worms and they go untreated?

If your dog has worms, their overall health can be significantly affected. They may experience blood loss, become very lethargic, lose weight, and suffer from chronic gastrointestinal issues. It is crucial to seek veterinary help if you suspect your dog has worms.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram