How can cardiovascular conditions impact a dog's health and well-being?

The heart is one of the most important organs, and if we don't have a healthy heart, if we have heart disease, then our lifespan can be drastically reduced, and also just in general, our quality of life can be affected as well.

Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

What is a veterinary cardiologist?

A veterinary cardiologist is a specialist. They've gone to school for an additional four years where they've just studied cardiology or the heart in general, usually of both dogs and cats. Depending on the case, we might refer you to a cardiologist to get further workup done.

What are some signs and symptoms of a cardiovascular condition in a dog?

The most important things I would look for is coughing, especially when they're laying down on their side, and shortness of breath. When your dog is laying down asleep at rest, if they're breathing faster than 40 to 50 breaths in a minute, that can be a huge concern. If they are having issues with exercise, if they have any fainting spells, all of those could be signs of a heart issue.

How soon should I bring my dog to see a veterinarian if I suspect a heart issue?

I would bring them in as soon as you can, because if it's a heart issue, that can be very serious. The sooner that we can get a diagnosis for this, the better.

What will a veterinarian do to diagnose cardiovascular disease in my dog?

The first thing we'll do is a full physical exam, and we're going to be listening for a heart murmur. We'll also listen to the chest to see if we hear any crackles or wheezes that could indicate there could be fluid. Ideally, we would do some x-rays to also take a look at what could be going on.

What kind of treatments are available if my dog has a heart problem?

If we find that your dog has a heart issue, we would send you to the cardiologist where they would do further workup. However, if that's not a possibility or something that we want to do at this moment, based on the physical exam, the history, and the x-rays, we may talk about medication that can help the heart function better.

Why is early detection and diagnosis so important?

Early detection and diagnosis is important because heart disease can progress very quickly within a matter of hours to days. The sooner we can diagnose it and get them on appropriate medication, the better.

Are there any types of preventative care that I should be doing to avoid cardiovascular issues?

Make sure your dog's on an appropriate diet, one that veterinarians recommend, one that has grains in it. We've found that grain-free food can lead to enlarged hearts. Make sure to keep the weight of your dog down, give them lots of exercise, and just overall keep them healthy in general.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Cardiology - FAQs

Adele Hilliard
Haywood Road Animal Hospital

What are the most common heart diseases in dogs?

The most common heart disease in dogs is left-sided heart disease. This occurs when a specific valve in the heart becomes slightly leaky. Over time, this can lead to the right heart enlarging, which can result in congestive heart failure.

Can you explain to us what a heart murmur is?

A heart murmur is when you have a leaky vessel and the blood, instead of flowing in one direction throughout the heart, flows backwards slightly. This increased pressure on the part behind the blood flow causes the heart to enlarge. This is, in a nutshell, a heart murmur.

What is dog cardiomyopathy?

Cardiomyopathy is essentially disease or inflammation of the heart. It can affect any side or all sides of the heart and is related to the heart not functioning correctly.

Can diet affect a dog's heart health?

Yes, diet can absolutely affect a dog's heart health. Recent studies have shown that grain-free foods have led to increased heart sizes in dogs. This is often due to a lack of amino acids and other nutrients. Therefore, it's crucial to discuss an appropriate diet with your vet.

How do you treat an enlarged heart?

The first step in treating an enlarged heart is getting x-rays, ideally followed by an ultrasound from a cardiologist. There are several medications available that can help the heart not to work so hard, reduce any fluid buildup, and provide general support.

What is heart failure in dogs?

Heart failure in dogs occurs when both the right-sided and left-sided heart disease are present. It typically starts on the left side and progresses to the right. When the entire heart is enlarged, it is considered complete heart failure.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (864) 288-7472, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram